Resort-style living in the heart of Sydney

Pool and Spa
Useful Information
20m unheated pool including a spa that is heated in the summer months only.
Open 5.00 AM-9.00 PM EXCEPT Mondays - closed until 8.30am for cleaning.
Access with your fob.
Please note that all our facilities are protected by CCTV.
Pool Rules
Residents use facilities at their own risk
Residents are responsible for their guests and children
Children under 16 are to be under the direct supervision of a person over 18.
Keep children under 5 within arm’s length at all times.
Large aqua toys and surfboards are NOT ALLOWED. Small flotation devices and small plastic toys or balls are permitted.
Don’t do anything that may be dangerous such as back flips or running on slippery tiles.
Only appropriate swimwear is to be worn in the water – no underwear, shorts or t-shirts.
Infants must wear recognised waterproof aqua nappies plus a tight-fitting swimming costume.
No pets, parties, glass, food, alcohol or cigarettes.
If you are found to break the rules, you will receive a breach of rules notice and may have your fob deactivated.